Configuring Reflection

There are two types of configuration available in the Reflection workspace: session document and workspace configuration.

The document for a terminal session contains configuration settings for host-specific information. It also includes pointers to other files that are used to control the appearance of the session, such as the theme file, and to files that control input and text handling, such as the keyboard map file and the Ribbon file.


  • There are no document configuration settings for Web page documents.

  • Printer sessions and FTP client sessions open in windows outside the Reflection workspace. They are configured from within those windows, instead of the workspace.

Workspace configuration settings affect all terminal session and Web page documents opened in Reflection. Workspace configuration settings include security, file locations, and other settings related to Reflection.

If any settings are unavailable, they may have been disabled by your administrator. If this is the case, on Vista and Windows 7 computers, the User Account Control icon appears in the upper left corner of the workspace.

Clicking the Change Currently Disabled Settings link next to this icon allows an administrator to enable settings.

When you navigate to multiple settings pages, all the settings on all the pages are saved when you click OK, or discarded when you click Cancel.