Advanced Options Dialog Box for IBM 3151 Terminals

The options are:

IBM 3151 features

Null Suppress

Send trailing nulls to the system. Clear this option to convert trailing nulls to spaces before sending them to the system.

Send Null Suppress

When in Block mode, Reflection won't send null characters in terminal memory in a Send operation (Send line, Send page, Send memory). Clear this option to have null characters sent as spaces (in Block mode only).

Line Turnaround Char

Define the LineTurnAround (LTA) character.



To define the LTA as


CR (default)

A carriage return



End Of Text character, ASCII 3



An End Of Transmission Character, ASCII 4



A Device Control 3 (XOFF), ASCII 19

Force Insert Line

Insert a null line at the selected line. This happens when an insert line operation is performed by either Reflection or the host under IBM 3151 emulation.

Select this option to force off the last line on a screen when a line insertion operation is performed and there is no null line that can be deleted to accommodate the insertion.

Force Insert Char

Insert a null character at the selected character. This happens when an insert character operation is performed by either Reflection or the host under IBM 3151 emulation.

Select this option to force a character off a row (or off the end of the screen if Autowrap is on) when a character insertion operation is performed and there is no null character that can be deleted to accommodate the insertion.

Answerback message

Answerback message

If the host expects an answer in response to an ENQ character, type the answer here.

Insert special characters

Select to allow escape sequences and ASCII control codes in the message (for example, press Enter to include a CR character).

Auto answerback

Select to cause the answerback message to be sent to the host automatically after a communications line connection. You may transmit the answerback message at any time by pressing Alt+F7 (this method of sending the message replaces the VT320 keystroke Ctrl+Break).


Click to clear the answerback message.


Click to replace the message with the word <Concealed>. Once a string is concealed, there is no way to unconceal it; you have to replace the text by typing new text, or click Clear to start again.

Serial device to host

Select to maintain a serial connection to the configured port and send any characters received from this serial connection to the existing host connection. This setting is typically enabled by the host application when it is required.


Click to select and configure a serial port.

The Configure button from the Terminal Setup Advanced Options dialog box is equivalent to the Configure button from the Logging Settings dialog box. You can use the button from either dialog box to configure your serial device port.