1.4 Install and Uninstall on Linux

To install Reflection for Secure IT on Linux

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Copy the installation package file to your computer and navigate to the directory that contains this file.

  3. To install on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 7 use rpm to install the package:

    rpm -ivh package_name.rpm

    For example:

    rpm -ivh rsit-server-


    To install on RHEL 8, use yum to install the package:

    sudo yum upgrade localinstall rsit-server-

Changing the Installation Location

You can use the rpm --relocate option to specify new target locations for installed files. Two modifications are supported.

  • Specify a new target location for configuration files and keys that are installed by default to /etc/ssh2.

  • Specify a new target location for binaries and man pages that are installed by default to /usr.

The following installed items are not relocated: startup and shutdown scripts, the cryptographic module, and the PKI client library.

To install to a non-default location

  1. Create the target directories.

  2. Use the rpm --relocate option to specify your target directories. The general syntax is:

    rpm --install --relocate /usr=PrefixDir --relocate /etc/ssh2=SysConfDirpackage_file.rpm

    For example

    rpm --install --relocate /usr=/opt/rsit --relocate /etc/ssh2=/opt/rsit/etc rsit-server-


  • Use --relocate modifications to the installation only as described above. Using other modifications will likely result in an unusable installation.

  • To provide access to binaries and man pages after installing to a non-default location, modify the system PATH and MANPATH variables.

To uninstall

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Enter one of the following commands.




    rpm -e --nodeps rsit-server


    rpm -e --nodeps rsit-client