1.6 Install and Uninstall on Oracle Solaris 10

To install Reflection for Secure IT on Solaris 10

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Uninstall any existing SSH product. To uninstall Reflection for Secure IT, see the uninstall procedure below. To uninstall Oracle SSH, use pkgrm to remove all SSH components. For example:

    pkgrm SUNWsshu
    pkgrm SUNWsshr
    pkgrm SUNWsshdu
    pkgrm SUNWsshdr
    pkgrm SUNWsshcu
  3. Copy the installation package file to your computer and navigate to the directory that contains this file.

  4. Use uncompress to unpack the package.

    uncompress package_name.pkg.Z

    For example:

    uncompress rsit-client-
  5. Use pkgadd to install the package.

    pkgadd -d package_name.pkg

    For example:

    pkgadd -d rsit-client-

NOTE:On systems running Solaris 10, you can use zones to partition a single Solaris instance into isolated application environments. For information about installing Reflection for Secure IT in a zones environment, refer to Technical Note 2254.

Changing the Installation Location (Solaris 10)

To install Reflection for Secure IT to a non-default location, you can create a response file (a text file that provides information to the installer package) and use the PREFIX variable to identify the target directory for the installation, as described in the next procedure. The PREFIX variable has the following effects:

  • Configuration files and keys that are installed by default to /etc/ssh2 are relocated to $PREFIX/etc/ssh2.

  • Binaries and man pages that are installed by default to /usr are relocated to $PREFIX.

The following installed items are not relocated: startup and shutdown scripts, the cryptographic module, and the PKI client library.

To install to a non-default location

  1. Create the target directory.

  2. Create a response file (rsp in this example) that redirects the installation to your target directory (/opt/rsit in this example).

    echo "PREFIX=/opt/rsit" > rsp
  3. Use the pkgadd -r option to provide the relocation information during the installation. For example:

    pkgadd –r rsp -d rsit-server-

NOTE:To provide access to binaries and man pages after installing to a non-default location, modify the system PATH and MANPATH variables.

To uninstall

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Use the pkgrm command to remove the package:


    pkgrm RSITsshs


    pkgrm RSITsshc