Using ECL

Even if you are not a Java programmer, you can still take advantage of many ECL features from JavaScript. A built-in ECL module is provided with Reflection that integrates many of the ECL features with the LiveConnect features of JavaScript. When you use this module, called JSEventNotifier, you can write JavaScript code that registers listeners to receive event notification from the Reflection ECL; in many ways, this makes your JavaScript code act similar to a Java applet.

The JSAPI is the API documented in this section. API examples are shown primarily using JavaScript and VBScript; other scripting languages are typically similar in structure.

Because the API's focus is on logon tasks, it is recommended that you set all of your other configuration options using the Reflection terminal session menus, and then save those settings to a configuration file. See Configuring Reflection for the Web Sessions for more information about creating and using configuration files.

Then, in the web pages that you use to launch Reflection terminal sessions, script only those tasks needed to perform the logon.