Management and Security Server heartbeat

When you are configuring Reflection for the Web sessions in Management and Security Server, a heartbeat is automatically sent to the server every 3 minutes to keep the Administrative Server from timing out. To change this default or to modify other heartbeat behavior, you can add parameters on the Configure Session panel.

  1. Open launchsession.jsp, located here with a default installation:C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\MSS\server\web\webapps\mss\aws\smt\launchsession.jsp

  2. In launchsession.jsp, locate the section that begins with <rweb:applet code="com.wrq.rweb.Launcher">.

  3. Add the parameters you want to set. See the available Heartbeat parameters, described below.

    For example, to change the heartbeat interval from 3 minutes to 5 minutes, add the following parameter:<rweb:param name="HeartbeatInterval" value="5"/>

NOTE:Edits to launchsession.jsp may be overwritten when you upgrade Reflection for the Web or Management and Security Server.