
This parameter determines the behavior of the session applet when the user browses away from the page that launched the applet.

NOTE:The browse-away behavior of sessions accessed from the Reflection links list and that launch in their own window is controlled by the launcher.keepalive parameter for the links list applet itself, so changing the value of this parameter in the Administrative Console session management panel will not have any effect on these sessions. The launcher.keepalive parameter can be set for embedded sessions, which use a new launcher applet for each session.

If the value of launcher.keepalive is framed (the default when you are not using a portal for authentication), sessions that launch in their own window remain open when the user browses away from applet page. Embedded sessions are closed.

If the value is all, both embedded sessions and sessions launched in their own windows, remain active when the user browses away from the applet page or closes the browser window containing the applet (unless the window closed is the only browser window remaining, in which case the session is closed). Users can navigate back to the session and resume work.

A value of portal (the default when you are using a portal for authentication) results in the same behavior as all, with additional optimizations for a portal environment.

To close both embedded sessions and sessions launched in their own window when the user browses away from the applet page, set the launcher.keepalive parameter to none, and also set the parameter legacy_lifecycle to false. The legacy_lifecycle parameter is processed by both Reflection and the Java plug-in itself, and a value of false will allow the plug-in to terminate the applet upon browse-away

CAUTION:When launcher.keepalive is set to all or portal, embedded sessions remain active even after the user browses away from a session page. If the user does not log out of the session, an unauthorized user with access to the authorized user's computer could gain access to the session by clicking a session link or using the browser's Back function.



<param name="launcher.keepalive" value="none">