docmain.css" /> User Interaction - Reflection ZFE 2.1 highlight.css">

User Interaction

This sample illustrates how to use the provided API methods to prompt the user for input or alert them with a message.

var macro = createMacro(function*(){
  'use strict';

  // The "ui" object provides functions for prompting the user for information and displaying information

  // Declare variables for later use
  var username;
  var password;   
  var flavor;
  var scoops;

  //Begin Generated Macro 
  var ps = session.getPresentationSpace();

  try {
    // Prompt the user to enter their name and store it in a variable.
    // Note that 'yield' keyword is needed to block execution while waiting for the user input.
    username = yield ui.prompt('Please enter your username');

    // Prompt the user to enter a value with a default provided to them.
    flavor = yield ui.prompt('What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?', 'Chocolate');

    // Prompt the user to enter private information by using the 'mask' option and the input field will be masked as they type.
    // If a parameter is not used, 'null' can be used to specify that it isn't to be used. 
    // Here we illustrate that by specifying that we don't need to show a default value .
    password = yield ui.prompt('Please enter your password', null, true);      
    // The prompt function returns null if the user clicks the 'Cancel' button instead of the 'OK' button. 
    // One way to handle that case is to wrap the call in a try/catch block.
    scoops = yield ui.prompt('How many scoops would you like?');
    if (scoops === null) {
      // This will exit the macro.
      // Alternatively could throw an Error and have it be caught in the "catch" below
   // Use the collected values to order our ice cream
    ps.sendKeys(username + ControlKey.TAB + password + ControlKey.ENTER);
    yield wait.forCursor(new Position(5, 1));
    ps.sendKeys(flavor + ControlKey.TAB + scoops + ControlKey.ENTER);

    // Display a message to the user.  Using the 'yield' keyword in front of the call will block
    // further execution of the macro until the user clicks the 'OK' button.
    yield ui.message('Order successful.  Enjoy your ' + scoops + ' scoops of ' + flavor + ' ice cream ' + username + '!');
  } catch (error) {
    // Here we use the ui object to display a message that an error occurred
    yield ui.message(error.message);
  //End Generated Macro


 return macro();