docmain.css" /> Invoking a Web Service - Reflection ZFE 2.1 highlight.css">

Invoking a Web Service

This sample illustrates how to make an AJAX / REST call directly from a macro to a web service. You can integrate data from your host application into the web service call or from the web service into your host application.

In this example, we are calling the Verastream Host Integrator (VHI) CICSAcctsDemo REST service. However, you can easily adapt the code to call any web service. You are not limited to VHI.

In the example the call goes through a proxy configured in the session server (shown below) to avoid a “Same Origin Policy” complication. If you are using a web service that supports Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and are using a modern browser, the proxy is unnecessary.

Since the jQuery library is available in macros, so you may use the $.post() function directly to invoke REST services.

This example also demonstrates how to wrap a jQuery REST call in a new Promise. The promise returned from the custom function below allows "yield" to be used in the main macro code. This allows the main macro execution to wait until the service call is complete before continuing.

 var macro = createMacro(function*() {
  'use strict'; 

  // Create a few variables for later user
  var username;
  var password;
  var accountNumber;
  var accountDetails;

  // Create a function that will make an AJAX / REST call to a VHI Web Service. 
  // Could be adjusted to call any web service, not just VHI.
  // If not using CORS, the request will likely need to pass through a 
  // proxy on the session server. See sample notes for more information.
   * Hand-coded helper function to encapsulate AJAX / REST parameters, invoke the 
   * REST service and return the results inside a Promise.
   * @param {Number} acctNum to send to the REST query.
   * @param {String} username to access the REST service.
   * @param {String} password to access the REST service.
   * @return {Promise} containing $.post() results that are compatible with yield.
  var getAccountDetails = function (acctNum, username, password) {
    var url = "proxy1/model/CICSAcctsDemo/GetAccountDetail";
    var args = {"filters": {"AcctNum": acctNum}, "envVars": {"Username": username, "Password": password}};

    // Wrap a jQuery AJAX / HTTP POST call in a new Promise.
    // The promise being returned here allows the macro to yield / wait
    // for its completion.
    return Promise.resolve($.post(url, JSON.stringify(args)))
      .catch(function (error) {
      // Map errors that happen in the jQuery call to our Promise. 
      throw new Error('REST API Error: ' + error.statusText);

  // Begin Generated Macro
  var ps = session.getPresentationSpace();
  try {
    // Could interact with the host here, log into a host app, etc...
    // Gather username and password
    username = yield ui.prompt('Username:');
    password = yield ui.prompt('Password:', null, true);
    accountNumber = yield ui.prompt('Account Number:');
    if (!username || !password || !accountNumber) {
      throw new Error('Username or password not specified'); 

    // Invoke external REST service, and yields / waits for the call to complete.
    accountDetails = yield getAccountDetails(accountNumber, username, password);

    // We now have the data from our external service. 
    // Can integrate the data into our local host app or simply display it to the user.
    // For this sample we simply display the resulting account details. 
    if (accountDetails.result && accountDetails.result.length > 0) {
      yield ui.message(accountDetails.result[0].FirstName + ' $' + accountDetails.result[0].AcctBalance);
    } else {
      yield ui.message('No records found for account: ' + accountNumber);    
  } catch (error) {
    // If an error occurred during the AJAX / REST call
    // or username / password gathering we will end up here.
    yield ui.message(error.message);

// Run our macro
return macro();

Cross Origin Scripting Proxy Support

If you have web services that do not support CORS, AJAX/REST calls will fail if they attempt to access a different server than the one where the ZFE application originated. This is a browser security feature.

The Reflection ZFE server provides a way explicitly to proxy to trusted remote servers.

  • Open ..\ReflectionZFE\sessionserver\webapps\zfe\WEB-INF\web.xml in your ZFE deployment.

  • Modify the file as shown:

        Example of how to proxy 3rd party services that do not support CORS.
        The following configuration would allow you to invoke remote VHI REST
        services via local URLs (e.g. an HTTP POST to 
        "proxy1/model/CICSAcctsDemo/GetAccountDetail" would be routed to 
  • Uncomment the servlet and servlet-mappings sections.

  • Change http://remote-vhi-server:9680/vhi-rs to the actual URL of your target REST server. You can also rename the url-pattern.

  • Keep in mind that even when a REST server supports CORS headers, some older browsers may not, so this example may still be relevant.

HINT:Your customized web.xml file may be replaced whenever you redeploy Reflection ZFE. Always back up your files.