docmain.css" /> Paging Through Data - Reflection ZFE 2.1 highlight.css">

Paging Through Data

This sample illustrates how to page through a variable number of screens and process the data on each screen.

 // Create a new macro function.
var macro = createMacro(function*(){
  'use strict';

  // Create variable(s) for later use
  var password;
  var accountNumber;
  var transactionCount = 0;
  var row = 0;

  // Obtain a reference to the PresentationSpace object.
  var ps = session.getPresentationSpace();

  try {
    // Enter Username and Password to log on to the application.
    yield wait.forCursor(new Position(19, 48));
    ps.sendKeys('bjones' + ControlKey.TAB);

    yield wait.forCursor(new Position(20, 48));
    password = yield ui.prompt('Password:', null, true);

    // Enter an application command.
    yield wait.forCursor(new Position(20, 38));

    // Going to list transactions for an account.
    yield wait.forCursor(new Position(13, 25));
    // Input an account number.  Hard coded here for simplicity.
    yield wait.forCursor(new Position(15, 25));
    accountNumber = yield ui.prompt('Account Number:', '167439459');

    // Wait until on account profile screen 
    yield wait.forText('ACCOUNT PROFILE', new Position(3, 33));

    // Search for text that indicates the last page of record has been reached
    while (ps.getText(new Position(22, 12), 9) !== 'LAST PAGE') {

      // While the last page of record has not been reached, go to the next page of records.
      yield wait.forCursor(new Position(1, 1));

      // If the cursor position does not change between record screens, and there is no text 
      // on the screen you can check to confirm a screen is updated, you may wait for a 
      // fixed time period after an aid key is sent for the screen to settle.
      // For example:
      // yield wait.forFixedTime(1000);

      // For each of the rows, increment the count variable if it contains data.
      for (row = 5; row <= 21; row++) {

        // There are 2 columns on the screen. Check data on column 1.
        // In this eaxmple we know that if there is a space at a particular 
        // position then there is a transaction.
        if (ps.getText(new Position(row, 8), 1) !== ' ') {
        // Check data on column 2.
        if (ps.getText(new Position(row, 49), 1) !== ' ') {
 // Check data on column 2.
        if (ps.getText(new Position(row, 49), 1) !== ' ') {

    // After going through all record pages, display the number of records in a message box.
    yield ui.message('There are ' + transactionCount + ' records found for account ' + accountNumber + '.');

    // Log out of the application

    // The try / catch allows all errors to be caught and reported in a central location
  } catch (error) {
    // Here we use the ui object to display a message that an error occurred
    yield ui.message(error.message);

// Here we run the macro and return the results to the Macro Runner
// The return statement is required as the ZFE application leverages 
// this to know if the macro succeeded
return macro();