docmain.css" /> Using Fields and Field Lists - Reflection ZFE 2.1 highlight.css">

Using Fields and Field Lists

This macro sample illustrates how to use common functions to interact with the fields in the Macro API. For example, how to get field text, view field information, and how to use field.setText as an alternative to sendKeys to interact with the host.

NOTE:Due to browser considerations ui.message collapses strings of spaces down to a single space. The spaces are preserved in the actual JavaScript.

var macro = createMacro(function*() {
    'use strict';

    // Obtain the PresentationSpace for interacting with the host
    var ps = session.getPresentationSpace();

    // Declare variables for later use
    var fields;
    var field;
    var searchString = 'z/VM';

    // Set the default timeout for "wait" functions
    // Sample macro for working with FieldList and Fields
    try {
        yield wait.forCursor(new Position(24, 2));
        // Get the field list.
        fields = ps.getFields();
        // Run through the entire list of fields and display the field info.
        for(var index = 0; index < fields.size(); index++) {
            field = fields.get(index);
            yield ui.message("Field " + index + " info: " + field.toString());

        yield ui.message("Now, find a field containing the text '" + searchString + "'");
        field = fields.findField(new Position(1, 1), searchString);                

        if(field !== null) {
            yield ui.message("Found field info: " + field.toString());
            yield ui.message("Found field foreground is green? " + (Color.GREEN === field.getForegroundColor()));
            yield ui.message("Found field background is default? " + (Color.BLANK_UNSPECIFIED === field.getBackgroundColor()));            

        // Now, find command field and modify it.
        field = fields.findField(new Position(23, 80));
        if(field !== null) {

        yield ui.message("Click to send 'cics' to host.");

        // Wait for new screen; get new fields.
        yield wait.forCursor(new Position(10, 26));
        fields = ps.getFields();
        // Find user field and set it.
        field = fields.findField(new Position(10, 24));        
        if(field !== null) {        

        // Find password field and set it.
        field = fields.findField(new Position(11, 24));
        if(field !== null) {        

        yield ui.message("Click to send login to host.");
        // Wait for new screen; get new fields.
        yield wait.forCursor(new Position(1, 1));
        fields = ps.getFields();
        // Find command field and set logoff command.
        field = fields.findField(new Position(24, 45));
        if(field !== null) {        
            field.setText("cesf logoff");

        yield ui.message("Click to send logoff to host.");
    } catch (error) {
        yield ui.message(error);
    //End Generated Macro

// Run the macro
return macro();