docmain.css" /> Extending the ZFE Web Client - Reflection ZFE 2.3.4 highlight.css">

5.3 Extending the ZFE Web Client

You can update, modify, and customize the presentation of the ZFE web client using your own HTML, CSS, or JavaScript code.

5.3.1 How to use extensions

Before proceeding keep in mind that although ZFE provides the ability to plan and use custom code, the code itself must be supported by the team that produced it.

WARNING:During a product upgrade extensions are disabled. This means that, after an upgrade, you must verify that the product is working as expected without extensions, and then re-enable the extensions using the steps to add custom code.

When you add extensions to the ZFE web client, the modifications are visible to all your users and apply to all sessions. It is possible to write extension code containing specific logic that limits changes to certain users or sessions.

To add an extension

  1. Open <install_dir>/sessionserver/microservices/zfe/service.yml.

  2. Change the value of the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE property from default to extensions-enabled.

  3. Restart the session server.

  4. Create <install_dir>/sessionserver/microservices/zfe/extensions/client/index.html to act as your entry point. This is where you add any HTML, CSS, or JavaScript (including references to external scripts).

5.3.2 Making extensions available without client authentication

Files within the /client directory are protected using the level of authentication you selected in MSS.

To share files without requiring authentication:

Create <install_dir>/sessionserver/microservices/zfe/extensions/public/. Place your code in that directory, calling it using the URL /zfe/public/*.

5.3.3 Creating your first extension

In this example, once extensions are enabled (see Step 2 above), you can add some custom CSS and JavaScript code to change the menu label font color and print text to the JavaScript console.

You will create three files; custom.css, custom.js, and index.html.

Step 1.

Locate index.html, which you created in step 4 above.This is where you will be placing your extension files, creating an entry point:

<!-- Define the link to the external style sheet -->
<link href="client/custom.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- Define the external JavaScript file -->
<script src="client/custom.js"></script>

Step 2.

Change the default black menu labels to orange:

Create custom.css to change the color to orange:

/* Change link text to Orange */
a span {
    color: #ff5d28;

Step 3.

Create custom.js to send text to the JavaScript console:

//Print message to the JavaScript console
console.log('Hello World!');

Step 4.

When the files are in place, <install_dir>/sessionserver/microservices/zfe/extensions/client/index.html, the results should look like this:

And the “Hello World” text is visible in the JavaScript console: