
CAUTION:Do not use IDs such as SYS, SYSTEM, or SYSMAN to run Databridge Client. These user IDs typically own tables that Databridge Client should not have access to.

If you are the database administrator (DBA), or if you have a user ID with DBA privileges, set up a user ID for Databridge Client that has the following.

(With Oracle 12c or newer, the DBA role is much more restrictive and is not sufficient to run Databridge Client. In Oracle 12c or newer, the user ID must start with C## or c##. This identifies a common user.)

  • (Required) The ability to create and drop tables, stored procedures, and indexes for tables that the user ID owns.

  • (Required) The ability to alter tables.

  • (Required) The ability to alter the session.

  • (Optional) Unlimited tablespace privileges. This is recommended because of the large amounts of data that can be replicated from a DMSII database.

    NOTE:In Oracle 12c or newer, you can accomplish all of the above by granting the DBA privilege to the user.

For information on creating a user ID, see your Oracle documentation.