Installing Databridge Client Patches

Overwriting the old software is not always advisable, we recommend renaming the old install directory first. You can then create a new install directory with the same name. For example if you installed the base release of 6.6 to /opt/dbridge66, rename the directory dbridge66_save and create a new /opt/dbridge66 directory before installing the patch. The tar files for the patch contain all the file that were in the base release, so this procedure is perfectly. Upload the appropriate tar file for the Client from the hot fix, update or service pack to a temporary directory (The Client and Console should be installed in separate directories to facilitate maintenance.) If you use Windows to process the extract of the tar file from the zip file, you must transfer the tar file to UNIX using binary FTP.Change the current directory to be install directory and use the following command to extract the files:

tar -xvf <filename> where <filename> is the full name of the tar file. This command replaces the files in the Databridge install directory with updated files from the tar file.

NOTE:To avoid accidentally deleting the Databridge applications, we recommend that you always keep the install directory and the working directory separate.