File Servers Tab

Use this page to configure SFTP servers to be used for Jobs and/or Transfer Sites. For details about adding and setting up servers, see:

Transfer site file server

This setting applies to Transfer Sites only.

Specify the SFTP server to be used for files uploaded to and downloaded from Transfer sites. Files for each Transfer Site you create are placed in a subdirectory of the designated base directory on the file server.

The name and location of the base directory you configure for your file server is not made visible to client users. The folder name that users see when they connect is the value you specify for Transfer site name when you create a Transfer Site. The actual subdirectory on the file server is the value you specify for Directory name.


Reflection Gateway Proxy

When this option is selected, Transfer Site directories are created on the server running the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy. The default base directory on this server is:

C:\ProgramData\Micro Focus\RSecureServer\Reflection\

To change the base directory, open the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy console and go to Reflection Gateway Users > Reflection base path.

NOTE:If you use Post Transfer Actions, you must select an added SFTP server; Post Transfer Actions are not supported on the Reflection Gateway Proxy.