Gateway Administrator Properties File

You can use the Gateway Administrator properties file to modify the configurable settings listed below. It is located in the Reflection Gateway installation folder in the GatewayAdministrator\conf subfolder. The default location is:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\ReflectionGateway\GatewayAdministrator\conf


  • You must restart the server after editing for your changes to take effect.

  • A backup file,, in the same folder provides a copy of the original default settings.

Database settings

Default settings configure connection to the default HyperSQL database. Commented settings show sample configuration to MySQL. For more information about changing the database, see Changing the Gateway Administrator Database.


The connection information for the database. Edit localhost:3306/mft to specify the host, port, and database name of your database. Do not change useSSL=false; SSL connections are not supported.


The username of a user with access to the database.


The username of a user with access to the database.


Use the value shown in the file.


Set this option to true to expose the internal Gateway Administrator LDAP server. The default is false.


Specifies the listening port used by the Gateway Administrator LDAP server when ldaps.port.enabled is true.


The HTTPS port used to connect to the Gateway Administrator web interface. The default is 9490.


The public-facing base URL of the Reflection Transfer Server. This is used in URLs included in email messages sent from Gateway Administrator.


Sets the token expiration time (in minutes) for password reset. Users who request a password recovery email must perform the reset before the token expires.

Specifies the hostname or IP address that the Gateway Administrator web service listens on. The Reflection Secure Shell Proxy and the Reflection Transfer Server communicate with this web service. If no host is specified (the default), the Gateway Administrator listens on all available IP addresses on the Gateway Administrator server.


Specifies the port that the Gateway Administrator web service listens on. This value must match the value configured on the Reflection Secure Shell Proxy (set from console using Reflection Gateway Users > Gateway Administrator port) and for the Transfer Server (set by clicking Activate and verify in the Reflection Gateway Users pane, which automatically updates configservice-ws.port in the Transfer Server properties file). The default is 9190.

Certificate settings

For more information about changing the server certificate, see Replace the Default Server Certificate.


The path to the keystore that contains the server certificate and private key. The path must be specified using forward slashes or escaped backslashes. For example:

  • C:/pathto/keystore

  • C:\\pathto\\keystore

  • You can specify a relative or absolute path. The default is ../etc/mycert.jks.


The file type of the keystore that contains the server certificate and private key. Supported values are JCEKS for a Java keystore, and PKCS12 for a PKCS#12 file. The default is JCEKS.


The password that protects the keystore that contains the server certificate and private key.


Specifies the number of post transfer action events to process in parallel. If the number of active events is under this limit, the action will start immediately; otherwise, it will wait its turn in the queue. The default is 10.

Specifies the number of emails to process in parallel. If the number of active emails is under this limit, the email will be processed immediately; otherwise, it will wait its turn in the queue. The default is 10.


Specifies the number of hub events to process in parallel. If the number of active events is under this limit, the event will be processed immediately; otherwise, it will wait its turn in the queue. The default is 10.


The default number of days after which a newly created Reflection Gateway user account expires. The default is 730 (two years). Set this to 0 (zero) to default to no expiration date.


The default number of days after which a newly created Transfer Site expires. The default is 730 (two years). Set this to 0 (zero) to default to no expiration date.


The network interface used by the Hub to send command responses to Gateway Administrator.


Listening port on Gateway Administrator port used by the Hub to send command responses to Gateway Administrator. This value must match the value for Gateway Administrator listening port configured on the Edit Hub page.