Comparing Jobs and Transfer Sites

Use this table to help you plan how to use Jobs and Transfer Sites to best manage files in your environment.


Transfer Site

Transfers and/ or command actions are initiated automatically when new or updated files appear in a specified directory.

Transfers are initiated by users.

You can configure transfers to take place between any SFTP servers that have been added to Gateway Administrator.

All files are transferred to and from a single designated Transfer Site file server.

You can configure any sequence of transfers and command actions, and control what sequence the actions occur in. If any action in the sequence fails, subsequent actions are not executed.

You can configure one or more Post Transfer Actions to take place after a successful upload. Although you can configure multiple actions, you cannot control the sequence or interrupt the sequence after a failure.

Jobs are triggered at a specified scan interval; actions do not take place immediately when a file arrives in a scanned directory.

Post Transfer Actions take place as soon as a file is uploaded to a Transfer Site.

Each Job is configured independently. You can use the Job copy feature to create similar actions in different Jobs.

The same Post Transfer Action can be added to multiple Transfers Sites.

NOTE:You can combine Transfer Sites and Jobs. For example, if you want uploads to a Transfer Site to trigger a sequence of events, you can create a Job that monitors the directory used by the Transfer Site.