Initial Configuration Utility

You can run this utility independently if you did not enter the configuration information when you installed Management and Security Server.

The Initial Configuration Utility:

  • enables the services you select for the Administrative Server.

  • creates an MSSData directory under which site-specific content is stored.

  • generates cryptographic keys and self-signed certificates for the servlet runner and the Administrative Server.

  • sets the administrative password.

  • sets a port value for the Administrative Server in configuration and HTML files.

  • (if installed) configures the Security Proxy Add-On: generates cryptographic keys and self-signed certificates, automates configuration, and sets a port value for the Security Proxy.

Running the utility:

  1. Be sure you have administrator privileges. If not, you will be prompted for credentials.

  2. Launch the Initial Configuration Utility from its installed location. You can use -c to launch in console mode.

    Windows systems:


    Linux or UNIX systems:


  3. Enter (or verify) your configuration information, as prompted.