docmain.css" /> Initial Configuration and Configuration Upgrade Utilities - Installation Guide

Initial Configuration and Configuration Upgrade Utilities

These utilities require that Management and Security Server was installed using either the automated installer or the multi-component archive file.

You do not need to run these utilities separately if you ran the automated installer and linked to a configuration utility as part of the installation and configuration process. For a summary of the questions you will answer in these utilities, see Installing and Configuring with Automated Utilities.

After installation, these utilities are located as listed below. Use -c to launch these utilities in console mode.

Windows systems




You must have administrator privileges to run these utilities. If User Access Control is enabled and you run the utilities as a user who does not have administrative privileges, then you will be prompted to provide the credentials of a user with administrative rights. This prompt does not appear if you run the utilities when using the Administrator account.

Linux and UNIX systems




Initial Configuration Utility

This utility enables the services you select for the Administrative Server; creates an MSSData directory under which site-specific content is stored; generates cryptographic keys and self-signed certificates for Tomcat and the Administrative Servers; sets the administrative password; and sets a port value for Tomcat in configuration and HTML files. If the Security Proxy Add-On is installed, the utility generates cryptographic keys and self-signed certificates, automates configuration, and sets a port value for the Security Proxy.

Configuration Upgrade Utility

This utility enables the services for this Administrative Server, copies the Tomcat keystore from the previous location to the new location if necessary, copies the ReflectionData directory from the previous default location to the new default location, MSSData (if a custom location was not configured), copies Security Proxy Server configuration files (if enabled) from the old install directory to the new install directory, and updates port values in configuration and HTML files.

See the information in Upgrading from Reflection Security Gateway for more information.