Change the JRE

The Reflection Transfer Server, Reflection Gateway Administrator, and Reflection Hub are Java applications. A correctly configured Java Server Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed and used by default. Use the procedures below to configure these services to use a different JRE.


  • Each time you upgrade your JRE, you need to configure the unlimited strength policy files for the new JRE.

  • Each time you upgrade Reflection Gateway or apply a hotfix, you need to repeat the changes to the properties files.

Install a Java JDK from the Oracle site

  1. Go to the Java SE Downloads page.

  2. Download and install the JRE using either the JDK download or the Server JRE download.

    • Download the latest Java 8 update.

    • The Server JRE is recommended. This download does not include the browser plug-in. Because the browser plug-in is where most of the security vulnerabilities are found, using the server download helps reduce your security risk.

NOTE:Updates to Server JREs you download this way are not automatic, and each update uses a new, version-specific folder (for example C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_nn\jre).

Configure the Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files for your JRE

  1. Locate the security folder in the Java install you want to use

  2. Open the file with a file editor.

  3. Locate the following line:

  4. Remove the asterisk at the beginning of the line.

  5. Save the file.

NOTE:You need to repeat this procedure each time you upgrade your JRE.

Edit the properties files and restart the servers

  1. Locate the configuration properties file (container.conf) for the service you are updating:

    <install path> \GatewayAdministrator\conf\container.conf

    <install path> \TransferServer\conf\container.conf

    <install path> \Hub\conf\container.conf

  2. Open each of these files in a text editor and locate the parameter. Edit this parameter to specify the full path to the java command (without the .exe extension) in your JRE. For example:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_nn\bin\java

  3. Restart the Reflection Gateway Administrator, Reflection Transfer Server, and Reflection Hub services.

NOTE:You need to repeat this procedure each time you upgrade Reflection Gateway or apply a hotfix.