Find the Current Mapping of a Key

You can use the Find option to locate a key and view its current behavior. If the results you see are the characters you expect and they are in the list of supported characters, no mapping is required. This sample procedure shows how to find the current mapping of the 4 key.

To find the current mapping of the 4 key (unshifted and shifted)

  1. In X Manager or X Manager for Domains, click Tools > Keyboard Maps.

  2. In the Keyboard Maps dialog box, click the Find button on the lower right.

  3. In the Find Key dialog box, type 4 in the Press a key field.

  4. Note the text in the Results box, which indicates that this key sends the number 4:

    Character "4" (Unicode 0034, X Keysym "4") is in the list of supported characters.
  5. Click Reset.

  6. In the Find Key dialog box, press the Shift key and type 4 in the Press a key field.

  7. Note the text in the Results box. On a U.S. keyboard, the results indicate that a dollar sign is being sent for this combination.

    Character "$" (Unicode 0024, X Keysym "dollar") is in the list of supported characters.