docmain.css" /> Add a session - Host Access Management and Security Server Administrative Console

Add a session

Required fields are marked by an asterisk.

  1. From the Session Manager, click Add.

  2. Choose the type of session you want to add.

  3. Enter a name for the session. Session names must be unique and cannot exceed 64 characters. Quotation marks (“ ”) are not valid characters and cannot be used in the session name.

  4. Enter the address for the session server. For example,, where the port and server name identifies the server where the session resides.

  5. Click Launch to start the session in administrator mode in a separate window and configure the session.

    In the Administrative Console, after you’ve saved the session settings, you can open the Access Mapper to make the session available to end users or return to the Session Manager to add or edit more sessions.

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