docmain.css" /> Making Secure Connections - Reflection ZFE 2.3.4

3.3 Making Secure Connections

Reflection ZFE and Management and Security Server use HTTPS connections and certificates to ensure secure communication between clients, web browsers, and servers.

Certificates are electronic credentials that are used to verify the identities of individuals, computers, or networks. Certificates are stored in key stores along with private keys that are used to complete secure transactions. Public keys encrypt data then the private key decrypts the data. Together, the public and private keys are known as a key pair. All key store entries are identified using a unique identifier, known as an alias.

Reflection ZFE and MSS use Bouncy Castle as the provider for their key store operations and use the .bcfks (Bouncy Castle FIPS key store) extension for cryptographic files. They are:

  • servletcontainer.bcfks - used to securely connect the Reflection ZFE web application to the session server

  • system.bcfks - used for X.509 authentication

  • trustcerts.bcfks - The Reflection ZFE trust store where trusted certificates for connections between the session server and MSS are stored.

Values you must know

  • changeit is the default password

  • servlet-engine is the alias of the key pair entry of servletcontainer.bcfks

  • bcfks is the keystore format

3.3.1 About the tools

  • KeyStore Explorer - You can take advantage of the KeyStore Explorer utility to provide a simple user interface to create signing requests (CSR) and import CA-signed certificates into Reflection ZFE.

    • To launch Keystore Explorer on Windows - run \ReflectionZFE\utilities\keystore-explorer.bat as an administrator or with administrative rights.

    • To launch Keystore Explorer on UNIX - run ReflectionZFE\utilities\ as an administrator or with administrative rights..

    The utility has an online Help system available to walk you through the user interface.

  • Java Keytool - The Java Key and Certificate Management Tool manages a key store of cryptographic keys, X.509 certificate chains, and trusted certificates. It uses a command line interface. The Java Key and Certificate Management Tool documentation is available for both Unix and Windows platforms:

NOTE:Due to a keytool issue, Reflection ZFE starts with a java keystore (.jks) format and then converts the keystore to a .bcfks format after the CA Reply is received.

3.3.2 Making connections

In a typical Reflection ZFE installation there are three main connection points that you need to consider in regard to security:

3.3.3 Securing the Web Browser to the Session Server

NOTE:A connection between the web browser and the session server is made during installation using a self-signed certificate. There is no further configuration necessary unless you want to replace the self-signed certificate provided with a different certificate.

To replace the certificate:

  • Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for Reflection ZFE and send it to the Certificate Authority of your choice. When you receive the signed certificate from the CA, then you:

  • Import the CA-signed certificate/chain into Reflection ZFE for HTTPS

You can accomplish these tasks using either KeyStore Explorer or the Java Keytool command line instructions.

NOTE:The key store commands noted here are for a default installation and start at the sessionserver/etc directory. If you have installed Reflection ZFE to another location, you must modify the path appropriately.

To configure a non-default key store:

You can use a key store other than the default, servletcontainer.bcfks, to store your CA signed certificates.

  • Specify the following properties in found here:../ReflectionZFE/sessionserver/conf:


    Where the key store path is set to the non-default key store file name and the key store password is set to the obfuscated value generated by the following command from the sessionserver directory:

    ../java/jre/bin/java -cp ./services/servletengine/lib/jetty-util-9.4.7.v20170914.jar admin passwordToObfuscate

    For example:

    • management.server.client.ssl.keyStoreFileName=../etc/custom.bcfks
    • management.server.client.ssl.keyStorePassword=OBF:1vn21ugu1saj1v9i1v941sar1ugw1vo0
    • servletengine.ssl.keystore=../etc/custom.bcfks
    • servletengine.ssl.keystorepassword=OBF:1vn21ugu1saj1v9i1v941sar1ugw1vo0
  • Finally, since you are using a custom key store, there is no longer a reason to generate the default key store when the service starts. Edit service-ctx.xml, located in ../sessionserver/services/servletengine/META-INF, to remove references to servletEngineKeystoreGenerator. Comment out the highlighted section, and remove reference to depends-on="servletEngineKeystoreGenerator".

    As follows:

How to create a CSR using KeyStore Explorer

HINT:You should run the following commands, using administrative privileges, from the sessionserver\etc directory.

Open sessionserver/etc/servletcontainer.bcfks in KeyStore Explorer. Use the password changeit.

To create a CSR you will create a key pair and then generate a certificate request. If you do not need to update certificate information, you can skip creating the key pair and proceed to generating the certificate request.

HINT:The KeyStore Explorer utility has documentation available to aid you in these tasks.

Create a new key pair

  1. Select the servlet-engine key pair.

  2. From the right-click menu, click Delete and then click Yes to confirm.

  3. From the Tools menu, select Generate Key Pair.

  4. On the Generate Key Pair dialog box, enter the appropriate algorithm information and certificate details. Click OK.

  5. Enter servlet-engine as the alias. Click OK.

  6. Enter changeit as the password and click OK.

Generate a certificate request

  1. Select the servlet-engine key pair.

  2. From the right-click menu, select Generate CSR.

  3. Browse to the file location where you want to generate the CSR and enter the file name. Click OK.

How to create a CSR using Java Keytool


Create Key Pair (replace the dname parameter with your own) :

..\..\java\bin\keytool.exe -genkeypair -dname ", O=Micro Focus, C=US" -alias servlet-engine -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore servletcontainer.jks -validity 1095 -storetype jks -storepass changeit -keypass changeit

Generate Certificate Request:

..\..\java\bin\keytool.exe -certreq -alias servlet-engine -keystore servletcontainer.jks -file cert_request.csr -ext ExtendedkeyUsage=serverAuth -storetype jks -storepass changeit


Create Key Pair (replace the dname parameter with your own) :

../../java/bin/keytool -genkeypair -dname ", O=Micro Focus, C=US" -alias servlet-engine -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore servletcontainer.jks -validity 1095 -storetype jks -storepass changeit -keypass changeit

Generate Certificate Request:

../../java/bin/keytool -certreq -alias servlet-engine -keystore servletcontainer.jks -file cert_request.csr -ext ExtendedkeyUsage=serverAuth -storetype jks -storepass changeit

After you receive the certificate from the CA, you will import the certificate into Reflection ZFE.

How to import a CA-signed certificate into Reflection ZFE

For both KeyStore Explorer and the Java Keytool, if the CA Reply contains separate root and intermediate certificate files, import the root certificate into the keystore first, followed by the intermediate certificate.

Using KeyStore Explorer

  1. Open servletcontainer.bcfks in KeyStore Explorer. Use the password changeit.

  2. If separate root and intermediate certificate files are available, from the tool bar, select Import Trusted Certificate to import certificates.

  3. Select the servlet-engine key pair. Right-click and select Import CA Reply to import the file into the key pair.

  4. If prompted, enter the password, changeit.

  5. Browse to the location where the CA Reply file is stored, select the file, and click Import.

Using Java Keytool

These examples use keytool commands at the sessionserver/etc directory.


Import Root CA and intermediate certificates

..\..\java\bin\keytool.exe -importcert -alias rootca -trustcacerts -file <RootCA.cer> -keystore servletcontainer.bcfks –storetype bcfks -storepass changeit

..\..\java\bin\keytool.exe -importcert -alias intermediateca -trustcacerts -file <IntermediateCA.cer> -keystore servletcontainer.jks –storetype jks -storepass

Import CA Reply

..\..\java\bin\keytool.exe -importcert -alias servlet-engine -trustcacerts -file <CertChainFromCA.p7b> -keystore servletcontainer.jks –storetype jks -storepass changeit

Convert keystore to BCFKS format

Before running the following command, rename existing servletcontainer.bckfs to servletcontainer.bckfs_prev:

..\..\java\bin\keytool.exe -importkeystore -srckeystore servletcontainer.jks -srcstorepass changeit -destkeystore servletcontainer.bckfs -deststoretype bcfks -deststorepass changeit -providername BCFIPS -providerpath ..\lib\bc-fips-1.0.1.jar -providerclass org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.BouncyCastleFipsProvider


Import Root CA and intermediate certificates

../../java/bin/keytool -importcert -alias rootca -trustcacerts -file <RootCA.cer> -keystore servletcontainer.bcfks –storetype bcfks -storepass changeit

../../java/bin/keytool -importcert -alias intermediateca -trustcacerts -file <IntermediateCA.cer> -keystore servletcontainer.jks –storetype jks -storepass

Import CA Reply

../../java/bin/keytool -importcert -alias servlet-engine -trustcacerts -file <CertChainFromCA.p7b> -keystore servletcontainer.jks –storetype jks -storepass changeit

Convert keystore to BCFKS format

Before running the following command, rename existing servletcontainer.bckfs to servletcontainer.bckfs_prev:

../../java/bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore servletcontainer.jks -srcstoretype jks -srcstorepass changeit -destkeystore servletcontainer.bckfs -deststoretype bcfks -deststorepass changeit -providername BCFIPS -providerpath ../lib/bc-fips-1.0.1.jar -providerclass org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.BouncyCastleFipsProvider

3.3.4 Securing the Session Server to MSS

To secure the session server to MSS, using the Administrative Console, you register the session server with its associated MSS. When you follow this process, secure connections are handled automatically.

To register the session server:

  1. Open the MSS Administrative Console.

  2. From the upper left panel, click the arrow and choose Reflection ZFE

  3. On the right panel, click Add to register the session server. There is help available for each panel.

3.3.5 Securing the Session Server to the Host

Follow these steps to configure a TLS connection between the Reflection ZFE session server and a host that supports TLS:

How to configure the keystore in MSS

For a Reflection ZFE session to trust the TLS host it connects to, the public certificate of the host must be added to a trusted keystore using the Management and Security Server (MSS). The Reflection ZFE session retrieves this certificate the first time a session connects.

Open the MSS Administrative Console > Configure Settings > Trusted Certificates and choose Terminal Emulator Clients. You can access the documentation for the Administrative Console by clicking the Help icon in the upper right of the page.

When the certificate is successfully added to the MSS server's trusted keystore, you are returned to the list of certificates and you should see the new host.

How to configure a Reflection ZFE terminal session

Depending on your host type, you can configure a terminal session using different security protocols.

To configure a terminal session using TLS

To connect to the new trusted host using TLS, configure a Reflection ZFE terminal session as usual, and in the Settings dialog box, specify TLS as the security protocol. Make sure to specify the correct TLS port for the connection.

To configure a VT terminal session using Secure Shell (SSH)

Secure shell provides encrypted communications between the client and a VT host.

MSS has a known hosts list that contains the public keys of hosts that you can connect to using SSH. SSH connections can be made only to hosts already trusted by an administrator.

The first time an SSH connection is made from a Reflection ZFE session to a host, the known hosts file is downloaded from MSS to the Reflection ZFE session server.

When you attempt to create or edit a session using SSH in the session management panel, you will be notified if the key is not recognized as trusted and asked if you want to trust the key and continue.

  • If you enter yes, the host will be trusted and added to the known host list, and you will be prompted for the SSH host password.

  • If you do not answer yes, then the host will remain untrusted and the session will be disconnected.

You can also configure the SSH known hosts file manually by establishing an SSH connection from a Reflection ZFE session to the host, and adding the remote host’s key fingerprint to the known hosts list in MSS.

Configure known hosts file for SSH connections using MSS

To configure the known hosts file for SSH connections in MSS:

  1. Connect to the system where MSS is installed and navigate to the server’s certificates folder: C:\ProgramData\Micro Focus\Mss\MssData\certificates (Windows) or /var/opt/microfocus/mss/Mssdata/certificates (UNIX).

  2. Copy the public certificate file of the new SSH host into the MssData/certificates (Windows) or /etc/ssh/ (UNIX) folder described above. Only ssh-rsa and ssh-dss are valid as public key types for MSS known_hosts entries.

    The host’s public key format can be OpenSSH, Base64-encode,.DER, or.PFX. The file should follow this format: hostname, IP-address key-type key. For example, a public key entry might look like this: alpsuse132, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABA...........

  3. Log in to MSS (for example,

  4. Open the Administrative Console.

  5. Click Configure Settings > Secure Shell.

  6. Follow the directions in MSS to import a known host.

After the public key is imported into the known hosts file, you will return to the Secure Shell Known Hosts page and the new host will appear in the list.