Add Users to the Default User List

You can add users to Gateway Administrator's built-in user list (called ReflectionGateway) when you want to exchange files securely with users who do not have accounts in your Windows Active Directory. Several methods are available for adding new users.

You can create users with or without creating a Transfer Site at the same time. This table summarizes the features of each option.



Users > New

  • Add users as a separate step for use with either Jobs or Transfer Sites.

  • Configure both UserID and Email address. These can be the same or different.

  • Choose either Email registration or Specify password. If you select Specify password, no email is sent automatically from Reflection Gateway; you must send login credentials to the user in a secure way.

  • Configure group membership when you add the user.

    NOTE:If you are using email registration, do not configure group membership in any group with access to Gateway Administrator. Email registration is not available to these users.

  • Required Role: Manage Reflection Gateway users.

Transfer Sites > Quick Add

  • Add a user when a new Transfer Site is created.

  • UserID is set automatically to the user's email address.

  • User is added with no group membership. Users can be added to groups later.

  • User is given default site permissions. Site permissions can be modified later by editing the Transfer Site.

  • Required Roles: Manage Reflection Gateway users and Manage transfer sites.

Transfer Sites > Add (or Edit)

  • Add a user when you create a new Transfer Site or edit an existing site.

  • UserID is set automatically to the user's email address.

  • User is added with no group membership. Users can be added to groups later.

  • Modify the default site permissions for any user (new or existing).

  • Required Roles: Manage Reflection Gateway users and Manage transfer sites.

To add a user from the New User page

  1. Connect to Gateway Administrator and log in using an account that is a member of the Administrators Group, the File Transfer Administrators group, or any group that has the Manage Reflection Gateway users role enabled.

  2. On the Users tab, click New.

  3. Enter user information. See New User for details. Note the following:

    • To support Email registration, email support must be configured.

    • If you select Specify password, no email is sent automatically from Reflection Gateway; you must send login credentials to the user in a secure way.

    • Group membership is optional. All Reflection Gateway users can log on to the Reflection Transfer Client, and Transfer Site access can be configured for individual users or groups.

    • Do not configure group membership if you are using email registration. Email registration is not available to users in any group that has access to Gateway Administrator.

  4. Click Save.